Your spine will thank you.
The conditions in which doctors of chiropractic addresses are as varied and as vast as the nervous system itself.
All chiropractors use a standard procedure of examination to diagnose a patient’s condition and arrive at a course of treatment.
Doctors of Chiropractic use the same time-honored methods of consultation, case history, physical examination, neurological diagnostic tests, advanced imaging and x-ray examination as any other doctor. In addition, they provide a detailed chiropractic structural examination by paying particular attention to the nervous system, spine and extremities.
Is nagging pain holding you back from doing the things you love?
Chiropractic treatment is evidence-based care you need to feel better again.
In an event of accidents, falls, mental stress, tension, repetitive strain at work, overexertion, and countless other factors can result in displacements or derangements of the spinal column, causing irritation to spinal nerve roots and/or intervertebral discs.
These irritations are often what cause malfunctions in the human musculoskeletal system.
Our team of chiropractors deliver evidence-based treatment combining chiropractic manipulative therapy, manual and soft tissue therapies such Graston Techniques, and Active Release Techniques. These treatments reduce or eliminate this irritation to the neuro-musculoskeletal system to allow your body to operate at a more optimal level.